Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My baby has a big nose :)

I had my 32 week appt yesterday, and all is good. I did mention that he hadn't been moving as much the last couple days, and wondered if he was running out of room in there, so my doctor did a quick little ultrasound to check on the amniotic fluid levels and make sure everything else looked okay.

That was a fun surprise! But I felt bad Dh wasn't there to see his son again. I didn't really get to see much on the u/s, but one of the first things my doctor checked was his positioning in my pelvis, he is head down and facing my back - perfect position for delivery :) She also said he has a big nose!!!

I laughed, and told her "Well, so does his daddy!" lol. Dh's nose isn't really big, but he does have a chubby german nose and it looks like Levi will probably have his nose :)

Levi was also practicing his breathing and she said he had his eyes open and was sticking out his tongue. And he DEFINITELY still a boy!!!

Our next appt is in 2 weeks, on April 1st, and Dh will be coming to that one, because we have a growth ultrasound and the doctor is going to measure everything, find an approximate weight and make sure he is growing on schedule.

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