Wednesday, July 16, 2008

and I smiled

Yesterday, right before I left work, I go an e-mail from one of my BFP buddies. She finally got her BFP! Considering how upset I have been and the anger I have felt, I never expected to have to have the reaction I did...

I gasped... and I smiled! The moment I realized I smiled, it hit me - I was happy for her, genuinely happy! The sadness I have grown accustomed to feeling anytime anyone talks baby or I see a pg woman, the waves of memories of my m/c - none of those immediately hit me!

I am just ecstatic, both because I am happy for her (congrats bluepalm!) and also because I feel like I have reached a new point in healing. 

I called up DH right away and told him (he asks occasionally about 'my girls online') and he was so proud of me. He told me I was coping much better than he expected, and was wondering when I would be happy [about babies] again.


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