Thursday, May 28, 2009

My breastfeeding vent...

I think it is so tough. When you are pregnant everyone tells you their horror stories about l&d and asks if you are nervous about that, but nobody talks about how hard bf is! Labor wasn't fun, but at least once it was over, it was over, and I had my little boy. Bf just keeps going and going...

It is getting better slowly, but I can't say I enjoy it at all. I had some major latching issues on one side (apparently that nipple is just a little flatter?) and that has gotten better, but now even tho the lactation consultant says he's got a great latch, my poor nipples hurt ALL THE TIME.

And I hate that I can't sleep for more than about a 2 hour stretch :( I can't wait to start pumping so dh can help with a feeding at night, and so I can get out of the house without worrying that I will have to bf while we are out.

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