Friday, April 24, 2009

And the countdown begins!

Well, as of yesterday, I am officially full term! 37 weeks.Or rather, Levi is.

Basically full term means that even though the average baby is born at about 40 weeks (due date) by 37 weeks, baby is fully developed, his lungs are mature, he's all ready to be born!

I am really hoping my little boy is ready to be born soon. I am definitely ready for this him to make his appearance. I even finished packing my hospital bag last night!

Unfortunately, I haven't had any real physical signs that its gonna happen soon. Everyone keeps telling me that I am still carrying so high, but I know he's gotten lower. The doctor said so and I keep getting pinched nerves in my hips. Plus, the pressure on my bladder has increased

I *think* I have had some braxton hix too, but am not really sure.

I really want him to come early, and have had the feeling all along that I wouldn't make it to 40 weeks. My intuition is usually pretty good, but I am starting to get worried that it's all just wishful thinking! I am so uncomfortable, that 3+ weeks just seems like an eternity away.

I guess all I can do it wait. I'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

37 Week Appt. Update

No real big news here. My doctor doesn't do internals, so I have no idea about progress. She did say she might do one at my 39 or 40 week appt if I haven't delivered by then.

Vitals all normal, baby's heartrate is good. I only gained 1 lb in the last week, which I am happy about since I had gained 5 in the previous 2 weeks - and he was already measuring ahead! I don't want a ginormous baby :)

I asked her about episiotomies and she said she doesn't do them or use any equipment (vacuum, forceps) unless there is fetal distress. So I was happy about that! I want to have as natural of a birth as possible.

And then I got the info to preregister at the hospital, so I am going to go online and get that done today.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Growing weary...

So this is my whine post. I try so hard not to complain, because I am so grateful for this pregnancy and am really super excited for my little boy, but I am growing so weary of all the discomforts the end of pregnancy has brought with it.

On one hand, I am not sure I am quite ready to end my last few weeks of alone time with my hubby. I like being able to cuddle up on the couch with him and watch a movie, and just plain spend uninterrupted time together.

On the other hand, even cuddling on the couch is not so comfy anymore. My belly sticks out over the edge, and I get restless and sore so quickly, and moving positions takes so much effort!

My feet and ankles are swollen and hurt, my ribs still hurt (and have since 22 weeks), my back just keeps getting more and more sore, the first tri acne has returned, so has the constipation. I've discovered the joys of heartburn, and I'm only sleeping for about 1-3 hours at a time during the night. Then I wake up having to pee and am always soooo thirsty. I try not to drink anything after about 8:30 pm, maybe just a couple ounces here and there, but its tough.

And to top it off, since baby's head has gotten lower, it seems to pinch a nerve in my hip sometimes, causing this terrible charlie-horse like pain to go shooting through the backside of my left hip.


I am tired and sore. I wake up in the morning and groan because I am still exhausted, and my body hurts! A full night in bed isn't really restful anymore.

And I potentially have 5 more weeks until this baby arrives! I really hope its more like 2! I don't know how I am going to be able to cope with everything much longer! I think I am going to turn into a sobbing emotional wreck. My poor, poor hubby. He has to listen to me complain, and I hope he doesn't get tired of being there for me! He has been so great this whole pregnancy...

I just wish I could take a nice, long, restful nap and wake up feeling physically good.

But now I've vented enough, and I need to get back to work. Thanks for listening to me whine!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

36 Week Appt Update!

Good news - doctor said baby's head has gotten lower! She didn't specifically say he "dropped" or anything, but I am still happy to hear that its lower than it was - that counts for something, right? I am really hoping this little boy decides to arrive in the beginning of May rather than wait all the way until his due date (or later)

I also gained 5lbs in the last 2 weeks, which I am not thrilled about, but considering my feet and ankles look like marshmallows, I think its mostly water retention.Or at least that's what I am going to keep telling myself ;)

I found out my doctor doesn't check for dialation/effacement at all. She says she doesn't believe in it and it doesn't mean anything anyways since you could be dialated to a 3 for weeks, or not be dialated at all and go into labor the next day. So I am getting left in the dark!

I also got the GBS swab, quick and easy, but I didn't expect her to swab the back door too! At least it was on the outside and she didn't have to poke it in there - that would have definitely taken me off guard!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Baby Shower Fun!!!

On Saturday I had my second (and final) baby shower. My sister, hosted it, and my mom was the co-hostess ;)

It was so much fun! Mom did lots of research to find new, unique games that no-one had ever played before, and my sister made an AMAZING make-your-own taco buffet, snicker salad and other fruit, a banana cream cake, and margaritas (non-alcoholic for me!).

We had great attendance, almost every single person we invited came, and most of those who didn't sent a card instead! Levi officially is spoiled! We have almost everything we need, and we got a few gift cards and a little bit of cash to cover most the rest. I am so happy about that!

It's great to know how many people are looking forward to meeting Levi and just how loved this baby is going to be!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Just for fun!

I did a pregnancy prediction from this web site:

The day you deliver, outside will be foggy. Your baby will arrive in the late afternoon. After a labor lasting approximately 11 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 6 pounds, 12 ounces, and will be 22 inches long. This child will have dark gray eyes and a lot of blonde hair.

She's got the boy part down anyways! We'll see about the rest :)

34 Week Appointment & Ultrasound Update

Dh and I have been looking forward to this appointment for the last month, and are super happy we got to see our little guy again, but the appt was pretty uneventful for the most part.

He is still head down, he's practicing his breathing, has chubby cheeks and a big nose, and long legs! His legs are measuring 36 weeks! Not sure where he got that from, maybe my dad, he has pretty long legs.

Also, the thing I was excited to find out was a guess at his weight: Levi is estimated at 5lbs, 5 oz, in the 59 percentile, so he is right on target!

We did get some pictures, but they weren't that great. He is getting pretty squished in there, so it's hard to see anything at the right angle for good images. But it was fun to watch!
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