Thursday, April 16, 2009

Growing weary...

So this is my whine post. I try so hard not to complain, because I am so grateful for this pregnancy and am really super excited for my little boy, but I am growing so weary of all the discomforts the end of pregnancy has brought with it.

On one hand, I am not sure I am quite ready to end my last few weeks of alone time with my hubby. I like being able to cuddle up on the couch with him and watch a movie, and just plain spend uninterrupted time together.

On the other hand, even cuddling on the couch is not so comfy anymore. My belly sticks out over the edge, and I get restless and sore so quickly, and moving positions takes so much effort!

My feet and ankles are swollen and hurt, my ribs still hurt (and have since 22 weeks), my back just keeps getting more and more sore, the first tri acne has returned, so has the constipation. I've discovered the joys of heartburn, and I'm only sleeping for about 1-3 hours at a time during the night. Then I wake up having to pee and am always soooo thirsty. I try not to drink anything after about 8:30 pm, maybe just a couple ounces here and there, but its tough.

And to top it off, since baby's head has gotten lower, it seems to pinch a nerve in my hip sometimes, causing this terrible charlie-horse like pain to go shooting through the backside of my left hip.


I am tired and sore. I wake up in the morning and groan because I am still exhausted, and my body hurts! A full night in bed isn't really restful anymore.

And I potentially have 5 more weeks until this baby arrives! I really hope its more like 2! I don't know how I am going to be able to cope with everything much longer! I think I am going to turn into a sobbing emotional wreck. My poor, poor hubby. He has to listen to me complain, and I hope he doesn't get tired of being there for me! He has been so great this whole pregnancy...

I just wish I could take a nice, long, restful nap and wake up feeling physically good.

But now I've vented enough, and I need to get back to work. Thanks for listening to me whine!


Andrea said...

You deserve to whine! None of that sounds like any fun...I'm not looking forward to the last months of pregnancy. Hang in there and we'll all pray that he comes sooner rather than later!

Anonymous said...

Wow girl. I am hoping you get a couple days of good rest in there soon because you know when the little guy arrives you won't get any. And ya know what they say about heartburn...means the baby has a lot of hair. But that could just be an old wive's tale...however, it's always been true in my family. Hang in there love.

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