Wednesday, April 1, 2009

34 Week Appointment & Ultrasound Update

Dh and I have been looking forward to this appointment for the last month, and are super happy we got to see our little guy again, but the appt was pretty uneventful for the most part.

He is still head down, he's practicing his breathing, has chubby cheeks and a big nose, and long legs! His legs are measuring 36 weeks! Not sure where he got that from, maybe my dad, he has pretty long legs.

Also, the thing I was excited to find out was a guess at his weight: Levi is estimated at 5lbs, 5 oz, in the 59 percentile, so he is right on target!

We did get some pictures, but they weren't that great. He is getting pretty squished in there, so it's hard to see anything at the right angle for good images. But it was fun to watch!

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