Thursday, April 9, 2009

Baby Shower Fun!!!

On Saturday I had my second (and final) baby shower. My sister, hosted it, and my mom was the co-hostess ;)

It was so much fun! Mom did lots of research to find new, unique games that no-one had ever played before, and my sister made an AMAZING make-your-own taco buffet, snicker salad and other fruit, a banana cream cake, and margaritas (non-alcoholic for me!).

We had great attendance, almost every single person we invited came, and most of those who didn't sent a card instead! Levi officially is spoiled! We have almost everything we need, and we got a few gift cards and a little bit of cash to cover most the rest. I am so happy about that!

It's great to know how many people are looking forward to meeting Levi and just how loved this baby is going to be!


Andrea said...

How fun!! Yum, that taco bar sounds really good right now. :-)

Anonymous said...

Levi is spoiled! And he will continue to be for a long time coming, so get used to it! I am glad you had fun at your showers. I also liked the games your mom did...especially deal or no deal. That was awesome!

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