Well, I had my 2nd appt this morning, and I think everything went well. once the nurse called me in, I was in and out of there in less than 10 minutes, couldn't believe it.
The doctor came in and used the doppler to listen for the heartbeart. She found it almost immediatly and said it was really good and strong, and that was it. I didn't get a heartrate or anything, she barely even listened, just found it and was like okay, there it is, and turned the doppler off.
After that I asked her about being thristy ALL the time (I seriously drink like 12 glasses of water a day, and even then I wake up at night thirsty and dry-mouthed and my pee is always dark yellow. She said if I still felt that way at my next appt we would do a GD test early.
Then, I went home and tried to find the heartbeat on the doppler I bought off the internet, but all I could find in the same spot that the dr found it was what dh and I thought was my heartbeat when we tried last week. So now I am paranoid that the doctor was hearing my heartbeat and not baby's.
I tried to count the beats, of both what I was hearing on the doppler and my own pulse, but it was kinda hard to count that fast. I have a really fast resting heartbeat (like 80+ bpm) and since I was anxious I was getting like 100 bpm on my own pulse, and I *think* like 120 bpm from the doppler. They were just so close it was hard to tell. I wish I had bought the version with the heartrate display now!
But, I figure the dr has heard alot of baby heartbeats in her time, and I should trust her judgement. Plus, my NT scan is next Tuesday, so I only have to wait a week for more reassurance, right? Right!
12 years ago
1 comment:
Don't worry, they are very experienced and would pick up the heart beat in 2 seconds. This is the problem with having your own doppler because you won't be as experienced and will have trouble finding it yourself. From my experience the baby's hb is very very fast, like 150bpm or there abouts. My resting heart rate is high too and it will be while you are pregnant - I think mine is around the same as yours. Dont worry, everything will be fine and the only problem you have is Doctor with a pretty poor bedside manner. See you soon in second tri ;o)
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