Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Heart Palpatations

Well, I had a bit of a scary day last Wednesday.

I could feel my heart beat in my throat and it made me feel like I wanted to cough, even though I didn't really have too. I thought maybe my pulse was racing too, so I put my forefingers up to the pulse in my neck to count the beats and realized that my heart was beating quite erratically and was skipping beats here and there.

I didn't think I was stressed out, so I had no idea what else could have been causing it. After having a speedy and irregular heartbeat for a couple hours I decided to email my doctor to see if it was anything to be concerned about. A nurse called me back and recommended I go to the ER, and even tho I really didn't want to go, I went.

I got hooked up for an EKG, and some other heart tests and had these little sticky patches all over me - it reminded me of all the baby pictures of my premature self, hooked up to the heart monitor :) I was able to watch my heartbeat on the monitor which I was happy about because then I could actually see the irregular or as they called them "premature" beats - so at least I know I wasn't imagining things!

I had 4 tubes of blood taken and then I waited, for hours, for the test results to come in. Made good use of that time by taking a nap! When the results finally did come in, everyone was stumped and couldn't figure it out. No thyroid issues, nothing.

So I was discharged with the instructions to avoid caffeine, OTC's, drink plenty of water, rest and try not to be anxious. In otherwords - continue doing exactly what I have been doing for the last 4 months!

But at least I know now that nothings wrong with me or baby :)

1 comment:

Andrea said...

How scary! I have an irregular heartbeat and my OB wanted me to get it checked out before I got pregnant. I had an EKG a few months ago. It was a weird experience having all those things stuck all over me! It turns out I just have a "regular" irregular heartbeat, but it is annoying when I can feel it skipping sometimes.

It's great that everything is okay with the baby. Are you still experiencing it?

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