Thursday, June 19, 2008

Small pieces of happiness

Ok, so I read a post on the nest mc/pgl board yesterday, I got completely nuerotic, because I didn't know anything about the rh factor and had no clue if I'd ever been tested for it.

Called my doctor today and asked her a few questions - I am rh positive - yeah! That is the highlight of my week!

Also, there is no mention of blighted ovum in my report from the u/s tech :)

I don't necessarily know if that part is good or bad medically, but it made me kinda happy. Even though I firmly believe that if you are pregnant, then you are pregnant - there is no such thing as "kinda pregnant" or different levels of how pregnant you are. Either you are or you aren't.

But my husband keeps talking about how there wasn't really a baby. I know he is trying to make light of a heavy situation, but it made me feel worse instead of better and it helps me to think that there could have been something in there for those 4 1/2 weeks we celebrated.

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